The Celestial Sphere |
![]() A diagram of the Celestial Sphere surrounding the earth showing the Celestial Equator, the North Celestial Pole, and lines of Right Ascension (analogous to longitude) and Declination (analogous to latitude). Also shown are the Big Dipper, Polaris (at the NCP), and Orion. |
Introduction: Ancient (and some not-so-ancient) astronomers
believed that the earth was surrounded by a crystalline sphere on which the
stars were attached. The sphere rotated once a day (this
kind of motion is called diurnal) in the opposite
direction that the earth rotates carrying the stars around the
earth. We know that this model for the universe is not actually true, but
since it appears to be true, it is still a useful model, or construct,
for setting up a reference system for the sky. We call this model the
celestial sphere. The celestial sphere is illustrated in the
figure above.
The earth's axis is the axis about which the celestial sphere appears to rotate. The extensions of the earth's axis through the north pole (NP) and south pole (SP) of the Earth intersect with the north celestial pole (NCP) and the south celestial pole (SCP), respectively. The projection of the Earth's equator on the celestial sphere defines the celestial equator (CE). The celestial sphere can then be divided up into a grid in a similar manner to the way in which the Earth is divided up into a grid of latitude and longitude. On the celestial sphere, we call this "longitude" right ascension (RA) which is measured in units of time (hours, minutes, seconds). It takes about one hour for one hour of right ascension to pass overhead. Celestial latitude is called declination (decl.) which is measured in degrees. See the page on coordinate systems. Finding the NCP: For northern hemisphere observers, the star Polaris (a Ursae Minoris) is located very near the NCP making it easy to locate (see Fig. 2-10, page 17 of the text). To find Polaris, first find the Big Dipper. The two stars at the end of the "bowl" of the dipper point nearly at Polaris (for this reason they are often called "the Pointers"). The southern hemisphere has no such easily identifiable star to mark the SCP. |
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We can never observe the whole celestial sphere
from the Earth because the horizon limits our view. In fact, we can only
observe half of the celestial sphere at any one time. The half we
observe depends on where we are on the Earth's surface, as shown above. In this figure, the observer has the impression of being on a flat
plane and at the center of the celestial
sphere. On all sides, the plane stretches out to meet the base of
this celestial sphere at the horizon. The point directly overhead
the observer is known as the
zenith. The point
opposite this, which the observer cannot see, is known as the
As the observer moves farther north in latitude, the north celestial pole moves closer to the zenith until they become coincident when the observer is at the north pole. At the north pole, the celestial equator lies on the horizon. As the observer moves further south in latitude, the north celestial pole moves further away from the zenith until it lies at the horizon when the observer is at the Earth's equator. At the Earth's equator, the celestial equator passes through the zenith. The Earth rotates from west to east so that stars, planets, the sun and the moon appear to revolve from east to west about the celestial poles on circular paths parallel to the celestial equator once per day. Some stars never set and remain visible all night all year. These are called circumpolar stars. A circumpolar star at its maximum elevation above the horizon is said to be at its upper culmination. Similarly, a circumpolar star at its minimum altitude above the horizon is said to be at its lower culmination. Stars farther from the pole rise, attain a maximum altitude above the horizon (when they are said to transit, or cross the meridian, a north-south line through the zenith) and then set below the horizon. These stars are visible at night only during that part of the year when the Sun is in the opposite part of the sky. |
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Which stars are circumpolar depends on the
latitude of the observer. Stars within an angle between the north pole
and the horizon (the observer's latitude) are circumpolar for an observer
at northern-hemisphere latitude (of the observer), and stars within the
same angle but of the south pole are never seen by such an observer; the
reverse is true for an observer in the southern hemisphere. This means
that for observers at the Earth's poles, all of the stars are circumpolar
and the observers never see any of stars in the opposite hemisphere. For
observers at the Earth's equator, none of the stars are circumpolar and
the observers see the whole celestial sphere during the course of a year.
Summary (see also Fig. 2-9, page 17 of the text):
Motions on the Celestial Sphere: The stars are sufficiently distant that for our purposes we can assume that they are fixed to the celestial sphere. This is not true of solar system objects (e.g. the Sun, Moon, planets, comets, asteroids and spacecraft) which move (albeit slowly) with respect to the celestial sphere. We will address the motion of these objects now..
The "Motion" of the Sun:
The Sun has two main apparent motions in the sky. The first is its diurnal rising
and setting which are, as we know, simply reflections of the rotation of the earth.
The second motion is a bit more subtle...
The "Motion" of the Planets:
Planet comes from the Greek work meaning wanderer . As noted above,
all of the planets but Pluto can always be found near the ecliptic. The order of the planets, outward from the Sun
is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Also, you may have heard that Pluto is presently closer to the Sun than Neptune,
but this is no longer true: Pluto's motion along its orbit carried it beyond
Neptune's orbit in 1999.
The maximum altitude of the Sun in the sky, as viewed from the northern hemisphere, gradually increases from the spring equinox until it reaches a maximum on June 21 - the summer solstice (when the Sun appears to `stand still' in the sky before starting to move back towards the celestial equator). At the summer and winter solstices the Sun is directly overhead at noon at the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, respectively, these being the zodiacal constellations associated with those parts of the ecliptic where the Sun is at these times. The summer solstice marks the beginning of northern hemisphere summer. Similarly, the Sun reaches its minimum altitude in the sky when viewed from the northern hemisphere on December 21 - the winter solstice - which marks the beginning of northern hemisphere winter. Note that all of this is from the point of view of someone in the northern hemisphere: a person living in Australia, for example, has all of her seasons reversed with respect to ours.
Climate: The tilt of the earth's axis is responsible for the climate
associated with our seasons. Look at Fig. 2-15 on page 22 and Fig. 2-16 on page
23 in the
text and consider an observer in the Northern hemisphere. In the summer, from his
point of view, the Sun rises early, reaches a point very high in the sky, and sets
late, while in the winter the Sun rises late (or not at all), doesn't get very far over the
horizon, and sets early. The amount of heat delivered to the northern hemisphere
is thus much less in the winter than in the summer for two reasons: |
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Precession (see Fig. 2-12, page 19 of the text): Hipparcos (the magnitude guy) also compared his observations with those made by a more ancient culture, the Babylonians, and established that the earth's axis doesn't point in a constant direction but slowly circles with time. This phenomenon is similar to what you would observe with a spinning gyroscope: the axis wobbles in a conical motion, known as precession . Because the earth is not a perfect sphere but bulges out at the equator, the Moon's gravity tends to make the earth wobble just like a gyroscope. Since the earth is very massive, the period for it to complete one wobble is very long: about 26,000 years . This means that, several thousand years ago, the earth's axis did not point at Polaris, and no star marked the north celestial pole.
Climate and Ice Ages: In the past, the earth has experienced many glaciations, when the average temperature drops and sheets of ice engulf much of both hemispheres. The process seems to be periodic, in the following way:
Within an Ice Age, there are periods of glaciation
, occurring about every 40,000 years and lasting about 20,000 years. Between these
periods, there is an interglacial period, when the ice sheets melt back. We are living in such a period. |
Probably the true cause is a combination of all of the above.
Astronomical Angles:
Angles are measured in degrees, minutes (of arc), and seconds (of arc). There are
360 degrees in a circle, 60 minutes in a degree, and 60 seconds in a minute. Don't
confuse minutes of arc with minutes of time! |