
Operation Christmas Child

What is Operation Christmas Child?

Operation Christmas Child is a program that delivers shoe boxes filled with gifts to needy children worldwide during each Christmas season. Anyone can pack a shoebox with school supplies, toys, candy, and other small gifts. Along with the shoe box gifts, children are given Gospel booklets in their own language. In 2004, Samaritan’s Purse collected over 7 million shoe box gifts worldwide and distributed them to children in 95 countries.

Get Involved

You can help by packing your own shoe box. For tips, visit Samaritan's Purse website. Such a simple act can make aMembers packing shoebox gifts big difference in a child’s life.

You can drop off boxes at Messiah. The church serves as one of more than1,500 collection sites nationwide.

Members at the procesing center (top right) and filling shoe boxes with gifts


Messiah also offers the opportunity to volunteer at Operation Christmas Child’s Orange County processing center which is one of six centers in the U.S. The centers are operated during November and December to inspect shoe box gifts received from the collection sites and prepare them for shipment.

Samaritan's Purse website

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